2ºTem na lista uma descrição de quest que ele deu,a caça começa na sua terra natal,ou seja onde você nasceu,você terá que obter 50 itens que dropáram dos respectivos monstros.Quando conseguir volte à Pet manager Martin,ele pegara os itens e te dara o Animal lovers list.Vá a 3 pessoas mencionadas na lista,
1º:Gatekeeper Belladonna em gludio,
2º:Guarda Metty na saida sul de dion,
3º:Trader Ellie na Loja de acessorios,em Giran.
Depois volte ateh MArtin e ele vai te dar um questionario.Se voce erra vai ter q ir nas pessoas novamenta q foram mencionadas na lista.Aki as perguntas e as respostas ( Q= pergunta A= Resposta),DICA:(as perguntas e respostas não estão em ordem pq toda vez que vc faz a quest ele muda a sequencia mas são sempre as mesmas.)
3º-Q: The pet shall disappear forever if you can't resurrect it within a certain amount of time.What is the maximum amount of time to resurrect a pet?
A: 3 minutes.
Q: The owner can use its pet for many different purposes.Which one of the following is NOT the purpose of a pet use?
A: Send someone to buy items from the village.
Q: Which one among the following does a wolf NOT eat?
A: No response.
Q: Normally, how would a wolf's tail be positioned?
A: Tail is always pointing straight down.
Q: The biological classification of the wolf is 'meat-eating mammal of a dog's family'. Then which animal among the following is NOT a 'meat-eating mammal from a dog's family'?
A: No response.
Q: The following connections are made between the wolves in the Lineage world and their habitats. Which of the following is NOT connected properly?
A: Orcs? black wolf.
Q: The following are descriptions about the wolf. Choose the RIGHT one among the choices.
A: A full-grown wolf weighs less than most adult men.
Q: What should you do to make a pet grow faster?
A: Makes the pet hit monster several times.
Q: There is no exact data on the life span of a wild wolf. Then how long does a wolf in the zoo normally live?
A: 12-15 years
Q: The following are descriptions on the life of a wolf. Choose the WRONG description among the choices.
A: A pregnant wolf makes shelter in a large vacant ground for her babies.
Q: How far (km) can a wolf's scent reach?
A: 2.4 km
Q: [Which wolf leads the pack?]
A: Alpha male.
Q: [What is the wrong description of a wolf's breeding process?]
A: The period of a pregnancy is 9 months.
Q: [What wolf lives 2.5M-10K years ago?]
A: Dire Wolf. _________
DICA:É sempre bom você comprar um Scroll de Recurrection,porque se seu lobo morrer ,e se você não o ressuscitar durante o prazo de 3 minutos ,ele morrerá para sempre.